Wakui serialized Tokyo Revengers in Weekly Shounen Magazine from March 2017 to November 2022. Kodansha published the 31st and final volume in January 2023. The manga has a cumulative 70 million copies in circulation as of January 2023.
Kodansha USA and Seven Seas Entertainment licensed the manga in English for digital and physical release, respectively. The final volume was released digitally in June 2023, and the 21st and 22nd volumes are scheduled to go on sale physically in an omnibus on June 18.
LIDENFILMS produced three television anime seasons in Spring 2021, Winter 2023, and Fall 2023. Crunchyroll streamed the first season with subtitles and dubbed it in multiple languages. Hulu streamed the second and third seasons in the US while Disney+ streamed them outside the US.
Source: Comic Natalie
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