Yabuki’s career as a writer and illustrator began with Yamato Gensouki, published in Weekly Shounen Jump from February to June 1999. His popularity took off upon the release of Black Cat in July 2000, serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump until June 2004. Since then, he has worked strictly as an illustrator save for two one-shots; Trans Boy—a pilot chapter for To LOVE-RU—in 2004, and Futagami☆Double in 2010.
To LOVE-RU is written by Saki Hasemi with art by Yabuki. It began publishing in Weekly Shounen Jump in April 2006 and finished in August 2009, with 18 compiled volumes. Its sequel, To LOVE-RU Darkness began publishing in October 2010 in Jump SQ. and finished in March 2017 with 18 volumes.
To LOVE-RU Darkness received four TV anime seasons in Spring 2008, Fall 2010, Fall 2012, and Summer 2015, in addition to several OVA episodes that were bundled with different manga volumes.
Source: Jump SQ.