Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu is a manga by Kana Minami that serialized via Sho-Comi magazine between September 2007 to February 2012. There are total of 15 volumes released. The manga series has received drama CD in 2008, motion comic in October 2011, and two-episodes OVA series by J.C. Staff between June to October 2010, as well as a live-action movie which premiered on December 2012. There are many songs featured as the theme songs, such as “Natural ni Koi Shite” by Perfume, “Happy Collector” by SCANDAL, “Starlight Parade – CAN’T SLEEP FANTASY NIGHT Version-” by SEKAI NO OWARI, and “Yowamushi-san” by 7!!, to name a few. The movie has received new actor and actress awards for 36th Annual Japan Academy Prize, new actor, new actress, editing awards in 24th Annual Fumiko Yamaji Movie Award, new actress award in 22nd Annual Japan Movie Critics Award, and new comer award in 38th Élan d’or Award.
Source: Comic Natalie