Produced by E&H Production, the anime adapting Angyaman’s anthropomorphic comedy manga aired in 12 episodes in Summer 2024. Crunchyroll streamed the anime with subtitles.
Angyaman originally submitted the manga as a webcomic on the Jump Rookie website in November 2021, where it ranked first. The manga then ran as an indie serialization for 29 chapters from March to October 2022 on the Shounen Jump+ web magazine and was promoted to an official serialization the following week. Shueisha published the ninth volume on October 4, with the tenth volume set for release on February 4, 2025.
Meet Tamako, who’s found her way into an interview at a ramen shop run solely by cats. When the feline manager asks if she likes cats, Tamako admits that she’s actually more of a dog person…only to be hired on the spot! But her job description isn’t quite what she expects—rather than serving ramen, she’s now a dedicated cat caretaker…?! (Source: Manga Plus)
Official site:
Official X: @ramenakaneko
Source: Oricon News
Ramen Akaneko 2nd Season on MAL