Produced by Felix Film, the first anime season adapting Shuuichi Shigeno’s racing sports manga aired in 12 episodes in Fall 2023. The second season premiered on October 7. Crunchyroll simulcast both seasons with subtitles and subsequently an English dub.
Shigeno began serializing the manga in Weekly Young Magazine in September 2017, approximately four years after the conclusion of Initial D. Kodansha published the 21st volume on October 4. The manga has a cumulative 5 million copies of its volumes in print.
Synopsis (2nd Season)
The second race in the MFG tournament at the notoriously difficult Lake Ashinoko track is underway. Though his car is severely disadvantaged in terms of horsepower, tune-ups to Kanata Katagiri’s Toyota 86 GT allow him to quickly soar into a qualifying position. However, torrential downpour on the final day of racing brings tire traction woes and causes all drivers to struggle.
Thanks to the environment he grew up in and his extensive training, Kanata surprises everyone when he is able to pull ahead of the pack—albeit with some very risky maneuvers. However, there are still two formidable competitors ahead of Kanata: last race’s winner Michael Beckenbauer and Lake Ashinoko record holder Kouki Sawatari. But even if Kanata can close the gap, he still needs to watch out for the drivers in his rearview preying on even a single mistake that they can take advantage of. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Teaser PV
Source: Moca News
MF Ghost 3rd Season on MAL