Hana to Yume originally serialized the black comedy manga in two short terms in July–August and October–November in 2017 before it entered the regular lineup in February 2018. Hakusensha published the 18th volume on December 23 last year, with the 19th volume scheduled for an April 19 release. Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi has a cumulative 3.5 million copies of its volumes in circulation.
A nine-episode live-action drama series produced by Mainichi Broadcasting System (MBS) aired on the station’s Drama Tokku programming block between April and June in 2023, starring Ryou Hashimoto and Akari Takaishi.
Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi placed among the Unique Art/Story titles in MyAnimeList’s 2024 edition of You Should Read This Manga. The manga also ranked in the female readers category in Kono Manga ga Sugoi! 2019 rankings.
Following a failed confession to her first love, female high school student Mikoto Ochiai contemplates jumping off the roof of the school building. However, her thoughts are interrupted by the arrival of Jin Haiba, the physics teacher known for being a slacker and the butt of students’ jokes. Calmly, he lights a cigarette and asks for an explanation of the events that led her to this precipice. Rather than dissuade her from killing herself, he makes a request—will she enter into a romance with him before she dies? Together, the two gradually ponder why they should keep living and why they should not love each other in earnest. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Manga official page: https://www.hanayume.com/sakuhin/?id=18
Official X: @TSUIRAKU_JK
Source: Hana to Yume on X