The official X (formerly Twitter) account of Yu Sasuga and Kenichi Tachibana’s Terra Formars manga announced on Thursday that it is resuming its serialization on the 18th issue of Weekly Young Jump magazine on April 4 after five years on hiatus. The manga went on hiatus in late 2018 due to the health issues of the original writer, Yu Sasuga.
Sasuga and Tachibana began serializing the sci-fi horror manga in Miracle Jump magazine in January 2011 before moving to Weekly Young Jump magazine in April 2012. Shueisha shipped the 22nd volume in November 2018. The manga previously entered a hiatus in March 2017 before returning in April the following year due to the health issue of Sasuga.
VIZ Media licensed the manga for release in English and shipped the 22nd volume in December 2019.
LIDENFILMS produced an anime adaptation that aired in 13 episodes in Fall 2014. A second season by LIDENFILMS and TYO Animations aired in Spring 2016. A two-episode original video anime was included in the 21st and 22nd volumes of the manga in August and November of 2018.
After humanity’s first manned mission to the Red Planet was lost, a second expedition arrives. The explorers prepare to exterminate the cockroaches that were used to transform the Martian environment, but are shocked to discover that the insects have mutated into giant, aggressive humanoids with one overriding goal—exterminate the humans! However, this crew of explorers has each undergone the “Bugs Procedure,” terrifying experimental surgery designed to make them more than human… (Source: VIZ Media)
Manga special site:
Official X (Twitter): @terra_official
Source: Comic Natalie