Yamakawa and Asaki began serializing the crime drama manga in Weekly Young Magazine in May 2017. The manga went on hiatus in October 2021 after the end of its second part. The third part began on the 29th issue in June 2022. Kodansha shipped the 24th volume on April 5, and the 25th volume (pictured) is scheduled to be released on July 5. The manga has a cumulative 4 million copies of its volumes in circulation.
Kodansha USA licensed the manga for digital release in English in January 2023. The 17th volume went on sale on June 25.
Tezuka Productions produced a 12-episode television anime adaptation in Spring 2023. Crunchyroll streamed the anime worldwide, excluding Asia. The manga also received a live-action drama series and movie that premiered in Fall 2023 and on March 8, respectively.
Tetsuo Tosu, an ordinary salaryman, discovers his daughter, Reika, has been physically abused by her boyfriend, Nobuto Matori. Trying to learn more about him, Tetsuo uncovers Matori’s scheme to extort money from Reika’s wealthy grandparents and finds out that he is a member of a crime syndicate, with a history of murdering his former girlfriends.
Filled with rage and fear at the thought of Reika being in danger, Tetsuo ends up killing Nobuto, and with the help of his wife, Kasen, successfully disposes of the body. Now, as the members of the syndicate begin to question Nobuto’s sudden disappearance, Tetsuo and Kasen must work together to ensure the safety of their daughter and prevent her from getting involved in the predicament any further. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Manga special site: https://magazine.yanmaga.jp/c/myhomehero/
Source: Oricon News