Suetsugu serialized the original Chihayafuru manga in Be-Love magazine from December 2007 to August 2022. Kodansha shipped the 50th and final volume in December 2022. The manga has a cumulative 27 million copies of its volumes in circulation.
Madhouse adapted the manga into three anime seasons in Fall 2011, Winter 2013, and Fall 2019. Sentai Filmworks licensed all three seasons in North America and released them on home video in September 2017, March 2018, and July 2021.
Kodansha USA licensed the manga in English in February 2017 for digital release and released the 40th volume on October 3.
Chihayafuru won the second Manga Taisho award in 2009 and the 35th Kodansha Manga Award in the shoujo manga category in 2011.
Manga special site:
Source: PR Times
Chihayafuru Plus: Kimi ga Tame on MAL