The manga takes place in a small seaside town in Hokkaido, where a mysterious high school student named Nike embarks on a journey filled with mysteries to rediscover herself after reuniting with Nemo, a boy who rarely shows up in class.
Kimi ni Todoke ran in Bessatsu Margaret from August 2005 to November 2017. Shueisha published the 30th and final volume in March 2018. Shiina launched the Kimi ni Todoke Bangai-hen: Unmei no Hito (Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You – Soulmate) sequel in the same magazine in April 2018, and ended it in May 2022. Shueisha shipped the third and final volume in July that year.
VIZ Media licensed the manga in English in 2009 and published the 30th and final volume in December 2018. The company also licensed the sequel manga and plans to publish the first volume on April 2.
Production I.G produced the 25-episode first season in Fall 2009, followed by the 12-episode second season in Fall 2011. NIS America licensed and released both anime seasons on home video in North America. A third season is currently in production for an exclusive Netflix debut this year.
Source: Oricon News
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