Kobayashi (Ao Ashi) began serializing the gourmet manga in Monthly Shounen Magazine in September 2018. Kodansha published the fourth volume in September 2023. Fermat no Ryouri has a cumulative 500,000 copies of its volumes in circulation.
A ten-episode live-action drama adaptation aired on TBS from September to December in 2023.
Kitada Gaku, a young man who once aspired to uncover the world’s truths through mathematics, finds himself at a crossroads after failing to achieve his dream of competing in the Math Olympiad. With his scholarship revoked, he spends his days working at a school cafeteria, struggling with a sense of aimlessness.
Everything changes when he meets a brilliant chef who introduces him to the fascinating intersection of mathematics and cooking. As Gaku embarks on this unexpected journey, he is drawn into a culinary world that’s as complex and precise as mathematics itself.
A unique and inspiring story where numbers and flavors blend to reveal the beauty of discovery, Mathematics Meets Cuisine opens the door to a new world of gourmet adventure.
Official site: https://www.fermat-anime.com/
Official X: @anime_fermat
Manga special site: https://gmaga.co/c/fermatnoryouri.html
Source: Comic Natalie
Fermat no Ryouri on MAL