This year’s April issue of Shounen Gahosha’s Young King OURs magazine shipped on Wednesday has released the first of four special chapters of the recently ended Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou manga. The story set one year after the end of the manga series will revolve around Sayaka Watanabe, who went back to her hometown, and her friend Tsuneko. The bangai-hen series will be serialized in the magazine’s four consecutive issues between February 28 and around the end of May, covering the year’s first four to seven issues.
Ruri Miyahara serialized Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou in the aforementioned magazine from April 2010 to December 2017. A total of nine volumes have been released, with the latest volume went on sale last April. Brain’s Base adapted the manga series into a 12-episode TV anime, which was broadcast in Spring 2014. Additionally, an unaired episode was released along with the 7th BD and DVD volumes.
Source: Comic Natalie