Hiroe also launched a new manga titled 341 Sentoudan (341 RMR Battlegroup) in Gessan’s July 2019 issue. The youth war drama follows young people who stake their lives on the battlefield. In the midst of a large scale war where major powers clash, the story centers on a certain person who stands at the forefront of a combat unit.
The mercenary action manga entered an intermittent hiatus in mid-2010, with two chapters published in 2013 and 2014. Hiroe had resumed the manga regularly in May 2017 before it returned to hiatus again last August. The series was originally scheduled to resume in Spring, according to Sunday Gene-X’s December 2018 issue.
Black Lagoon began its serialization in 2002. Shogakukan published the 11th volume (pictured) last November, the first volume in four years, since the 10th volume was published in May 2014. The manga has a cumulative 7 million copies of its compiled volumes in print.
Madhouse produced two anime seasons in Spring and Fall 2006. The Black Lagoon: Roberta’s Blood Trail original video animation series was released from 2010 to 2011.
VIZ Media licensed the manga in English in 2008 and shipped the tenth volume in April 2015.
Source: Sunday Gene-X on Twitter