The comedy manga began in Monthly Shounen Ace in July 2006 and ended in October 2015 with ten volumes. The manga was published in English by Vertical Inc. under the Vertical Comics imprint from March 2016 to September 2017.
A 26-episode television anime produced by Kyoto Animation aired in Spring 2011. Funimation licensed the anime in November 2016 and released it on home video in February 2017 and an English dub in July 2019.
Daily lives of highschoolers may seem a commonplace concept, but that certainly does not apply to the trio at Tokisadame High. For Yuuko Aoi and her two eccentric friends, every day is a unique experience. From stumbling across a wrestling match between the principal and a deer to indulging in a chopstick battle over a sausage—the excitement never ends.
One day, their lives take a turn for the bizarre when they encounter an insecure robot maid, her young excitable creator, and their down-to-earth talking cat. To the people in the world of Nichijou, daily life continues to be an endless roller coaster! [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Source: Comic Natalie