Weekly Shounen Jump launched Yuuto Tsukuda and Shun Saeki’s new manga Tenmaku Cinema in the 19th issue last Monday. The title is also being simulpublished by VIZ Media and Manga Plus.
Fujimaki debuted with his first major title Kuroko no Basket (Kuroko’s Basketball) in Weekly Shounen Jump in December 2008 and ended it in September 2014. The two-volume Kuroko no Basket: Extra Game sequel ran in Shounen Jump NEXT! from December 2014 to March 2016. The manga received three anime seasons,three compilation movies, and a sequel movie.
Tsukuda and Saeki are known for their Shokugeki no Souma (Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma) manga, which ran in Weekly Shounen Jump from November 2012 and August 2019. The manga was adapted into five anime seasons and several original video anime.
Kill Ao PV
Tenmaku Cinema PV
Source: Comic Natalie
Kill Ao and Tenmaku Cinema on MAL