The editorial department of Young Animal announced on Tuesday that the late Kentarou Miura’s Berserk manga will resume serialization in the 13th issue on June 24. The magazine will publish six chapters till the end of the Maboroshi-zukuri Sekai-hen (Fantasia arc) and Yousei Shima no Shou (Island Chapter), followed by a new arc.
Studio Gaga—a manga production studio founded by Miura where he worked with his assistants—will be credited for the manga as it resumes. Manga creator Kouji Mori (Holyland), a close friend of Miura with whom he often consulted Berserk’s storylines, will serve as the supervisor. Miura will remain credited for the original work.
In a statement with Hakusensha, Mori explains that he and Miura have been discussing Berserk’s complete storyline since the manga’s Eclipse chapters 30 years ago. Following Miura’s death, Mori considered conducting an interview or publishing an article with some illustrations to discuss the ending, but he decided that these methods were inadequate. When Studio Gaga approached Mori to continue the manga, he carefully considered and accepted the proposal.
Mori promised to “recall as many details as possible and tell the story,” and maintains that while the telling will not be perfect, he feels that he “can almost tell the story that Miura wanted to tell.” Similarly, Young Animal’s editorial department assures readers that they will not deviate from Miura’s original work and will deliver Berserk as faithfully as possible to Miura’s vision.
Hakusensha published Berserk’s 41st volume on December 24 last year, the last volume containing the final chapters Miura drew prior to his passing (pictured right). The volume’s special edition bundled a drama CD based on the Casca no Mezame (Casca’s Awakening) chapter.
Miura died on May 6 last year at the age of 54 from an acute aortic dissection.
Source: Comic Natalie