Publishing company Hakusensha announced on Sunday that Natsuki Takaya, the creator of the Fruits Basket manga, is launching a new manga. The new manga, titled Kakumo Chiisaki Sekai nite (In such a small world.), will begin on Hakusensha’s Manga Park app on September 4.
Sui Nodera (23) left home. Her apartment neighbor, Kaoru Seto (21), suddenly barges into her house. It turns out that Seto’s dog, Tino, had entered the veranda of Sui’s apartment. This encounter gently blends into Sui’s life.
Takaya serialized Fruits Basket in Hana to Yume magazine from July 1998 to November 2006. Hakusensha published the supernatural drama manga in 23 volumes. The Fruits Basket: Another sequel manga ran in Hana LaLa online from September 2015 to August 2020.
Studio Deen adapted the manga into a 26-episode television anime that aired from July to December of 2001. A new anime adaptation by TMS Entertainment aired in three seasons in the Spring of 2019, 2020, and 2021.
Source: PR Times
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