Higashikawa penned the three-volume mystery novel under Shogakukan between September 2010 and December 2012, with illustrations by Yusuke Nakamura (Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei). A sequel novel, titled Shin Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de, began in March 2021. Shogakukan published the second volume on September 18.
A manga adaptation by Aya Kawase ran in Flowers Comics α magazine from April to November in 2011. Shogakukan released the second and final volume in August 2012.
Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de (The Dinner Table Detective) is set in Kunitachi City, Tokyo. Reiko Houshou, a rookie detective at the Kunitachi Police Department, is also the heiress of the globally renowned “Houshou Group.” She tackles challenging cases alongside Inspector Kazamatsuri, heir to the “Kazamatsuri Motors” family business, and Kageyama, her sharp-tongued butler and driver.
With biting remarks like, “Are your eyes merely decorative, my lady?” Kageyama not only critiques Reiko’s lack of deductive skills but also brilliantly solves the mysteries at hand. A sharp-tongued butler meets classic detective fiction in this unique mystery series.
Official site: https://nazod-anime.com/
Official X: @nazoD_anime
Source: PR Times
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